Like Phoenix and Tempe, the name “Arcadia” comes to the Scottsdale and Phoenix region from the Ancient World.
Arcadia was a region in rural ancient Greece that was known for its rural, bucolic charm, the ideal environment of true harmony with Mother Nature. It was often depicted in ancient art and literature as a place with unparalleled and undisturbed wilderness, a simple place that had been virgin pastures and woods since antiquity. Over the centuries, it has come to represent the beauty of Nature, its beauty protected, a peaceful and near Utopian.
The actual name is derived from Arkas, a mythical hunter who spread agriculture to Arcadia, a region in the central Peloponnese, who became its king.
Its origin in the Valley comes from the water and citrus agricultural district that preceded the development of homes. The groves that populated it certainly were pastoral and natural pleasant.
Today, its large lots, verdant landscaping and neatly trimmed greenery continues that sense of natural beauty, albeit with upscale housing.
Michelle Houze from The Houze Group, an Arcadia real estate specialist, said families attracted to the Arcadia area are looking for the natural green feel of this historical community.
“They want luxury, and they want it lush,” Houze said. “And that’s what they get in Arcadia.”
At least 43 places in the world, ranging from the Pacific Northwest to Australia, called themselves Arcadia. There are Arcadias in Jamacia (which has four communities named Arcadia), Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, and more. U.S. states with an Arcadia include Wisconsin, Virginia, Utah, Texas, Missouri, Oregon, Ohio, North Carolina, California, Nebraska, Rhode Island, Texas, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, and more.

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